Will you Evolutionists please explain how dumb matter
supremely intelligently evolved in the ways shown in
this video presentation:

        It is written:

        "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by things made, even his eternal power, and Godhead; so they are without excuse: When they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things." (Romans 1:20-23)

        These inspired words from Saint Paul should be posted over the door of every science and biology lab in America. Every person born into the world is conceived with sufficient Light to make him aware God created Heaven and the Earth. If you do not believe God created all reality, you have allowed someone to deceive you out of your God given faith. Many have been deceived into putting their faith in a man-made doctrine of the devil known as "Evolution" and as soon as you begin challenging the origins of life the all knowing believer in Evolution will look at you all knowingly and say, You need to study Abiogenesis.

        In other words you supposedly do not know enough yet by faith in Jesus Christ to know who your Creator is, so you need to study more godless science fiction so you can enter into darkness with those who have put their faith in Evolution.

        "If the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness?" Jesus

        There is not one single piece of scientific evidence to prove man evolved upward from dumb matter they cannot account for. Evolutionists are looking back in their imaginations millions and billions of years where there is no historical record or scientific proof of what was there. In other words they are making ridiculous science fiction claims in the name of science.

        It is impossible to prove any theory of origins "scientifically," because the very essence of the scientific method is based upon OBSERVATION and EXPERIMENTATION, and no scientist has ever OBSERVED OR EXPERIMENTED with the origin of the universe or of life, and they need to do both.

        For Evolution to truely be a scientific theory there must be evidence of where the oceans came from for the right biological combination of substance to come together for life to be formed. So the Evolutionist must first prove where the orbital earth vehicle came from that carries us a million 608,000 miles per hour every day of our lives along with six billion other passengers before the discussion can even begin realistically for life climbing out of the ocean in the form of the first amoeba.

        I personally do not believe all of the biologists of the world could mix recipe's for life from dumb chemicals, matter and energy and set those recipe's in desireable environments for them to come to life with any success at all, and were they to do this thing ~ they would be using what was already in existence. They would have by-passed proving where the earth and the oceans came from and would be borrowing God created substances to carry out their experiment.

        You see the Word of God tips us off that God breathed the Spirit of Life into Adam. God made us in his image but he is not just talking about our reflection in the mirror. The Word of God is talking about our consciousness being made like God's consciousness.

        Life itself is resident in your consciousness. Life outside of consciousness is mechanical. A car performs functions but it has no consciousness. Our human body is mechanical. God breathed the Spirit of Life into Adam. He gave Adam's body a consciousness.

        Lets define what is contained in our consciousness: Intelligence, will, morality, emotions, love of beauty, love of righteousness or when that love is corrupted ~ the individual can be possessed of a love of wickedness, a desire for order, for perfection in all things, a desire to be loved and to love, a love of pleasure, of joy, of peace and so on.

        Those of us who have faith in the Word of God know we are a spirit and God forms our spirit in the womb. That is the beginning of our consciousness developing into who we are now as individual personalities.

        So the consciousness God breathed into us is quite complex and for it to have possibly evolved is quite a difficult task for Evolutionists to explain, so they simply say "All of those characteristics I mentioned are built into the brain by Natural Selection processes, and when you die the brain dies, and you are no more."

        We ask them, but how does "Natural Selection" work? After all, you are suggesting by the use of language the first amoeba evolved an inward ability to discern between the predominane of unuseful mutations to choose the rare mutation that could be useful to evolve into the present state we find ourselves in. The theory of evolution is unable to explain where this "Natural Selection" brain exists in us to choose our next stage of evolution because it doesn't exist.

        So I would like introduce a brilliant scientific minded brother in the Lord who explains the mathematical impossbilities of mutations working to the advancement of the human race to its present state. His contention which I whole heartedly support is that there would be no human race had it evolved according to the theory of Evolution and Natural Selection. Please give this video your full attention.

        Now I believe the above video by itself totally destroys Evolution as a theory, relegating it to the trash can where it belongs; but unfortunately there are multitudes of diehards who insist Evolution is a proved science. Obviously they are not very scientifically minded, and strangely enough; they will accuse people of faith of not being very scientifically minded so they accuse us of what they are and they can be quite hostile and threatening because of their fear they will be going to hell if we disprove Evolution.

        Evolution in essence makes mankind the superior intelligence in the infinite vastness of an incomprehensibly supremely intelligently designed Universe. The Evolutionist becomes their own god and in saying we come from the monkies, they fulfill one of many Scriptures:

        Adherents to the diabolical doctrine of the devil we know as Evolution have become "vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, (they become gods by believing in Evolution) and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things."

        Many scientists know Evolution is based on belief rather than on scientific evidence. L. Harrison Matthews in his forward to Darwin's 1971 edition of "Origin of the Species", says, ". . .Belief in the theory of evolution is exactly parallel to belief in special creation--both are concepts which believers know to be true but neither, up to the present, has been capable of proof."

        Evolutionists have their entire lives and reputations resting upon Darwin's theory. They're committed to their religious doctrine of the Devil like Christians are committed to their faith in God. When an evolutionist denies his beliefs in Evolution, he forsakes colleagues, educators, and institutions that represent the folly he once believed in. He becomes a "black sheep." He may lose his job and all of the benefits that go with it. He will most certainly lose his reputation among Evolutionists, and his social standing with them.

        Since he studied and worked his entire life to get where he is, he isn't about to throw it all away. The Evolutionist is on the payroll of the Devil, so to say; since for the sake of the Devil's doctrine ~ he cannot let go of Evolution.

        This is the nature of the cult. The Evolutionist must strive to disprove the Genesis account if he is to remain acceptable to his colleagues. He must ignore all facts supporting Creator and creation. He cannot be open to anything other than "evidence" to prove the theories of Evolution. All evidence contrary to Evolution's diabolical doctrines are discarded and ignored. An example of this kind of godless behavior can be found in the work of Dr. George Wald, Nobel Peace Prize winner for Science in 1967 who wrote:

        "When it comes to the origin of life on this earth, there are only two possibilities: creation or spontaneous generation (evolution). There is no third way. Spontaneous generation was disproved 100 years ago, but that leads us only to one other conclusion: That of supernatural creation. We cannot accept that on philosophical grounds; therefore, we choose to believe the impossible: that life arose spontaneously by chance."

        Darwin's theory is commonly accepted as a scientific fact, not for any real evidence; but because sinners love darkness more than Light. Evolutionists are taken captive in the spider web Satan spun for them, and once snared in the web; it is difficult to get free of the spider.

        The average Evolutionist would have us believe all true scientists accept Darwin's theory as fact. Actually, quite the opposite is true. A genuine scientist is ethical and will not accept any theory until it is proven. All true scientists believe in gravity, in the speed of light and any other phenomenon they can prove by EXPERIMENTATION AND OBSERVATION, but do true scientists believe in speculative theories like Evolution. No. Evolution is attractive to the godless. It never was a science, and never will be; irregardless of how many vain talkers take up its devilish doctrines.

        Dr. Albert Fleischman, Professor of Zoology at the University of Erlangen in Germany, says, "The Darwinian theory of evolution has not a single fact to confirm it in the realm of nature. It is not the result of scientific research, but purely the product of the imagination."

        Professor L.T. More, of the University of Chicago, says, "Unfortunately for Darwin's future reputation, everyone of his arguments is contradicted by fact."

        There have always been scientists honest and open-minded enough to consider all the facts and take a stand for THE TRUTH. Unfortunately for America, its students are not permitted to study the Bible in our government institutions of learning anymore. The American student gets a regular dose of the Devil's Evolutionary theories as though they were a fact, and it has become unpopular for them to openly believe otherwise.

        Over the years Evolutionists have managed to conjure up a number of speculative "proofs" to prove Darwin's theory a scientific fact. Presumed "evidence" continues to be promoted while contrary evidence is ignored.

        One of their DOCTRINES OF DEVILS IS: VESTIGIAL ORGANS which are parts of the human body Evolutionists insist are no longer needed. Therefore they say these supposedly useless body parts must be "left-overs" from our ancestors the monkeys. Their list of supposedly useless body parts include the appendix, the tail bone, the pineal gland, the plica semilunaris, the tonsils, and the ear lobes.

        Many medical doctors agree all of those organs are important to the human body, and are not useless or obsolete. Mankind does not fully understand every part of the body; so there are undoubtedly functions in regard to so called vestigial organs medical science has not yet discovered. Meanwhile, Evolutionists have an overwhelming argument to use against those ignorant of their devilish doctrines.

        We know from holy Scripture God doesn't do anything unless it is "WONDEROUS." His incredible wisdom is embodied in everything He creates. Everything God creates has a purpose.

        Another speculative "proof" for Evolution is found in the field of BIOCHEMISTRY where godless scientists mix genes and chromosomes in an effort to prove evolutionary relationships between man and animal.

        Is there any conclusive evidence? No. In 1904. Dr. Nutall's tests concluded that baboons and hoofed animals are related to whales, that pigs are related to tigers, and that black people are related to monkeys! There isn't any real evidence to support his theories, but Evolutionists persist to this day in pointing to BIOCHEMISTRY as a pillar of scientific evidence supporting their godless religion.

        EMBRYOLOGY is another field of speculation for Evolutionists. This is where unborn embryos are studied in order to detect the preformed shape of humans and animals. This is the field where we find Haeckel saying "ONTOGENY RECAPITULATES PHYLOGENY." This is the vain notion every individual passes through evolutionary stages while still in the mother's womb. Haeckel's illustrations were proven to be a fraud while he was yet alive, yet they are in use to this day in American textbooks.

        This is another one of those overwhelming speculations the unlearned American student is vulnerable to in the classrooms of this backslidden nation. That is, your body supposedly took on the shape of an amoeba, then a paramecium, then a jelly fish, then a fish, then a bunch of other creatures during the nine months prior to your birth.

        Once again they talk about an unproved theory as though it were fact. And unsuspecting students are easily deceived into thinking they are presenting evidence particularly when they are demon oppressed into believing what they might have otherwise disregarded. Demons have the power to project thoughts into the human consciousness and for those who are not able to discern spirits, there is complete vulnerability. So we read in holy Scripture "THE DEVIL IS ABLE TO TAKE PEOPLE CAPTIVE AT HIS WILL."

        Once students have been made into believers in Evolution, they are likely to return to their families and muse to themselves how unenlightened their family members are as to the origin of all creation. Now as members of an elite and godless religious cult, some of them collide head on with believers among their kin who oppose them. The Lord said he came to bring a sword to divide Father from son, and Mother from daughter, and now the battle has moved from the classroom to the home.

        The Evolutionist will say we are superstitious. But our faith in God and in Christ as the Creator is real and logical while the Evolutionist's belief is built on vain speculations and the ridiculous premise that the universe we inhabit exploded out of nothing into clocklike orbits with suns and moons set perfectly round about them, obviously by a Designer who knew what He was doing with such great wisdom no man can comprehend his infinite understanding. For if the sun that shines upon the earth every day were too close we would all die from the burning heat, and if it were too far away from the orbiting earth, we would all freeze to death.

        Just as the holy Ghost influences believers to speak the truth in love in defense of our faith, so demons influence blind disciples of the Devil to propagate their faith in Evolution; and sometimes the collisions between real religion and the false heat up considerably into contentions dividing them long term.

        Now we come to TAXONOMY, where charts are used to artificially classify bones in order to "prove" evolution in time frames of millions of years. As new speculative discoveries are put into their growing DOCTRINES OF DEVILS, Evolutionists conveniently place them at selected places on the chart and tag their finds with vain claims. In that way, new experts keep coming forth with discoveries they have dug up to promote their false belief system and fatten their bank accounts.

        Evolutionists generally agree the earth is four and a half billion years old. They know we who believe in God and the Bible tend to believe the earth was spoken into existence by the power of God approximately six thousand years ago; so Evolutionists carefully avoid coming into agreement with our beliefs. By putting the origination of the earth so far back, they make it impossible to prove them wrong even though they cannot prove they are right.

        Another supposed "proof" for evolution is COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, the belief that similar bone structures prove animals are kin with one another through Evolution. They say if two different animals have similar bone structures, they must have evolved from the same original ancestors. They are speculating over another theory they cannot prove. Many scientists know the bone structures of the vast variety of animals are produced by entirely different genes, thus proving that they are in no way related! If similar bone structures prove anything, they suggest all animals were created by the same God! Since our Designer knows how to make one marvelous creature, it is logical he has the wisdom and power to design the others.

        Another argument used to support Evolution is so-called FOSSIL EVIDENCE. The Evolutionist says the fossil record proves a progressive Evolution of the species over millions of years, beginning with non-living matter. Non-living matter supposedly evolved into protozoans, and the protozoans evolved into metazoan invertebrates, which evolved into vertebrate fishes. The fishes supposedly evolved into amphibians, which evolved into reptiles, which evolved into birds. The birds then supposedly evolved into fur-bearing quadrupeds (animals with 4 legs), and quadrupeds evolved into apes, and apes evolved into man. Have you ever wondered why apes stuck around if we were evolved from them?

        Creation is much more logical than Evolution. God Almighty created every creature and each descends from its own kind. Fish have descended from fish. Birds from birds. Apes from apes. And humans from humans.

        Once again the Devil has generated the classic snow job burying poor unsuspecting hearers in so much speculative theory presented as hard evidence that the individual succumbs to it for no other reason except the uneducated human mind is unprepared to withstand such a blizzard of conjecture.

        Now for those who actually believe the Evoluton fable, we have a question: WHERE ARE THE TRANSITIONAL LIFE FORMS? If every life form survived by changing into a higher life form, is someone able to show us a transitional life form? Where can we observe a reptile who is slowly changing into a bird? How about a bird who is turning into a four-legged animal? This is one of the strongest arguments against Evolution: NO TRANSITIONAL LIFE FORMS. They can point to the chicken and say it lost its ability to fly, but chickens have been in the historical record for thousands of years as birds that cannot fly. If they are going to shed their wings altogether and put on the legs of an animal; shouldn't they have done it by now?

        Darwin realized the shortsightedness of his theories in his "Origin of the Species" when he said "this is the most obvious of the many objections which may be argued against it (Evolution)." (Vol. 2, 6th Ed. p. 49)

        There never will be any evidence of transitional life forms because Evolution is just a bunch of theories bagged together into a godless cult sinners in government have unloosed into American society in the name of science.

        Saint Paul who wrote: "And that which you sow, you sow NOT that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may be wheat, or some other grain: But God gives it a body as it has pleased him, and to every seed his own body." The design is in the seed and man has not yet figured out how it works. God's wisdom is too high for our finite minds. But the wheat of today is descended from the wheat of original creation with the same certainty you and I are descended from Adam and Eve who passed their seed on to Cain and Able. The body is in the seed. That's why white parents produce white children and black African American parents produce black children. We reap what we sow.

        Creatures tend to multiply their own kind by means of seed which contains the design. "All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds." (1 Corinthians 15:38/40) Most creatures pass on their own kind by seed. There is no need for any creature to evolve into another creature. Each creature was designed to be what you see it to be. Nothing less, nothing more. Each creature is as complete as it ever will be in this world.

        Now a few words about the various "ape men" that have been generated by Anthropologists with an Evolutionary tilt, and placed neatly on vain Evolution charts in text books to evangelize new believers into their godless religion.

        In 1922, a bunch of bones were found in Nebraska by a man named Harold Cook. After studying the upper and lower jaws and the teeth of some thirty animals, a complete ape known as Ramapithecus was constructed on the basis of ONE TOOTH! Years later, the entire skeleton from which the tooth came was found. It turned out to be an extinct species of pig.

        Dr. Eugene Dubois fabricated the famous Java Man and gave the bones the respectable scientific name of Pithecanthropus erectus in 1891 to make him believable. The actual dig consisted of a small piece of the top of a skull, a fragment of a left thigh bone, and three molar teeth. But, instead of being found all together, these remains were found in an area of about seventy feet, and were found over about a year's time. They were also found in a river bed with other assorted extinct animal bones. The student of Evolution does not see these facts advertised. Instead the supposed discovery is presented as hard evidence on Evolution charts.

        Imagine a reprobate digging up human skeletons, claiming they are 700,000 years old, and saying a skull cap is proof of a transitional being between ape and man.....and you should comprehend the fraudulence of the Evolutionary cult. They know they can't find a complete skeleton of a transitional creature evolving between an ape and a man, so out of desperation they produced a fragment of a skull and called it evidence.

        If Evolution's so called Java Man bones were of one being buried in the river bed for 750,000 years without decaying which is improbable, it is also unprovable. Human history stretches approximately six thousand years to the creation of the earth by God. Beyond six thousand years, there is no evidence of anything. Once again, the Devil has taught his followers of Evolution how to tell a masterful lie they cannot prove scientifically. And since they can't prove it, no court of law would allow it to be entered as evidence; neither should we who wish to be of a sound mind believe their foolish speculations.

        This same principle of THEY CAN'T PROVE IT, THEREFORE IT IS INADMISSABLE AS SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE applies to all of the missing link claims. The Piltdown man. The Neanderthal man.

        The latest presumptuous evidence of Evolution as a godless science comes from NASA where federal tax money is at work. In this photograph released by NASA along with others, NASA says new stars are forming in the universe and their photograph proves it. This is an easy exercise of deceit. Any photograph with more stars in it than a previous one can be used as presumptuous evidence to substantiate their claims. Its another of those situations where THEY REALLY CAN'T PROVE AND WE CAN'T DISPROVE IT.

        Here is the media caption that accompanied the photograph on Yahoo.

        "This infrared picture provided by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope Wednesday Aug. 5, 2009 shows a cloud, known as DR22, bursting with new stars in the Cygnus region of the sky. Spitzer's infrared eyes can both see through and see dust, giving it a unique view into star-forming nests."

        Now, if you suppose its a little far fetched to think NASA is Evolution minded rather than God minded, NASA's GALAXY EVOLUTION EXPLORER MISSION is celebrating its 6th anniversy studying galaxies beyond our Milky Way through its sensitive ultraviolet telescope. Is it exploring God's creation? No, it is exploring GALAXY EVOLUTION. Yet, we, the public, have not heard that NASA was pro-Evolution. They're not foolish enough to come out with it bluntly, but they are smart enough to name their traveling camera THE GALAXY EVOLUTION EXPLORER MISSION. And every time the mission makes the news, GALAXY EVOLUTION makes the news. The children of this world are certainly wiser in every generation than the children of God.

        By calling it a mission rather than by a permenent name, NASA indicated their concern for a potential public uproar from the multitude of churches in America who do little or nothing even when they perceive the gospel of Jesus Christ is under attack openly or subliminally. Yet, six years is a permenent mission isn't it?

        Together, the Galaxy Evolution Explorer and Spitzer can see a larger range of the full spectrum of the sky so they are working together to prove the faith of many in Evolution as the cult grows stronger, and richer in American culture and Christians are not alarmed nor offended by the diabolical use of federal tax payer's money to promote it.

        We as believers ought not to be concerned about the idea new stars might appear in the universe. It is doubtful the Lord will create any new planets or stars independent of others already created. That would be too small a work for Him. We read in the prophecies He is going to create a new heaven and earth at the end of THE THOUSAND YEAR REIGN OF CHRIST which is not too far off; so it seems redundant for Him to create new stars at this time.

        Our main concern is NASA advertising Evolution by means of the GALAXY EVOLUTION EXPLORER MISSION while simultaneously suggesting new stars are exploding from nothing into something without a Creator as Evolutionists would like everyone to believe.

        Furthermore, believers everywhere should be concerned about the missed opportunity to stand up to NASA for the abuse of federal taxpayer money. Preachers throughout the United States and the world have a wonderful opportunity to proclaim the truth against this outrage, yet not one voice has come forth to gain the attention of nation.

        Here is what Saint Paul had to say on such matters: "Oh Timothy, keep that which is committed to your trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and OPPOSITIONS OF SCIENCE so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with you. Amen. (1 Timothy 6:20/21)

        In the above video we are introduced to Adenosine TriphosPhate (ATP). A common form in which energy is stored in living systems; consists of a nucleotide with three phosphate groups. The energy coin of the cell.

        Evolution is called science as a camouflauge for the Devil to conceal his diabolical doctrines in oppostion to the Gospel of Jesus Christ; but it is not science. It is "science so called." It has absolutely no merit. It is impossible for the Universe to have created itself! There had to be an all powerful Intelligent Designer. Humanity has intelligence and we cannot create life forms, therefore the Universe with all of its order and wisdom in design had to be created by God Almighty.