The use of the pronoun "We" when God is speaking in Muhammad's Koran, is very clear evidence he desired to be thought of as a god among men. There are numerous verses where "We" is used instead of thus saith the LORD or the singular use of the pronoun "I" the LORD.

      When God is supposedly talking in the Koran which is Muhammad's document, "We" is often used.

      At Muhammad's death, a large faction of his followers thought he was a god and were stunned by his death. The religious leader of that day had to make it clear to them that Muhammad was dead and their god was alive.

      Muhammad attempted to make himself appear to be a god by taking away the deity of Christ. In Saint John, Chapter two we are told: he who denies the Son has not the Father, and he who has not the Father and the Son is an antichrist.

      You can usually expect anyone denying the deity of Christ, of attempting to displace him as the second person of the Devil's godhead in some way to be revered as a god.

      Muhammad is found using the pronoun "We" regularly when God is supposedly speaking in the Koran. In doing so, he attempts to deifies himself.

      Historically, we find antichrists like Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Jim Jones, David Koresh, the not so Reverend Moon and Muhammad, all seeking to be revered by their followers. By attempting to deify themselves, they hope to receive the greater reverence. Antichrists are pathological liars. They have no respect for truth.

      In the first part of Koran 5:44 Muhammad makes himself a god as co-revealer of the Light given to Moses, saying: "Indeed, We revealed the Torah to Moses in which there is guidance and Light."

      Muhammad makes himself co-sender with God of Jesus saying: "Then in the footsteps of those Prophets, we sent Jesus the son of Mary." Koran 5:46

      Muhammad is quoted from the Koran as saying: "Shaytan (Satan) makes them promises and creates in them false desires, but "Shaytan's promises are nothing but deception. (His followers) will have their dwelling in Hell, and they won't find any way to escape it. But those who believe and do what is right will soon be admitted by Us into gardens beneath which rivers flow to live there forever. Allah's promise is the truth and whose word can be truer than Allah's? Anyone who does what is right, whether they are male or female, and has faith, they will enter Paradise and not the least bit of injustice will be done to them." Qur'an 2:120-123

      Muslim religious leaders will argue the point, but once again Muhammad, the author of the Koran as the messenger is making himself a god among men, this time by saying "But those who believe and do what is right will soon be admitted by Us into gardens beneath which rivers flow to live there forever." Muhammad makes himself a part of the godhead throughout the Koran.

      Muslims deny Muhammad is deifying himself. They attempt to write off the use of "We" and "Us" by Muhammad as Allah speaking from the point of view of a King meaning: "Me and My power" will do those things.

      Muslim minds are imprisoned by Satan who "TAKES PEOPLE CAPTIVE AT HIS WILL." We who are free of such deceptions know our God is one God who says, "I AM THAT I AM." He does not say, "We are that we are."

      Muhammad like all liars is full of contradictions, so one moment he is playing god in the Koran and the next moment we find him confessing to being a sinner. Many Muslims believe he was sinless. The fact they do, suggests Muhammad put himself off as a god. By stating the contradiction that he too is a sinner, he armed his followers down through the centuries with something to say to everyone. To those who condemn Muhammad for deifying himself, they say, "Oh no, he admitted to being a sinner." And to those who are believe he was God's messenger, they can point to his supernatural experiences saying, "Oh yes, Muhammad was like a god among men."

      But even his supposed supernatural experiences were lies. If he saw Jesus or one of the prophets working a miracle, he claimed to have done something comparable.

      Though it is not recommended for Christians or Jews to read the Koran while we who believe the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob provided us with holy Scriptures to teach us of Him, you will find numerous passages where Muhammad and the god of the Koran are talking to Muslims. Muhammad is truly a messenger of the god of this world who cannot save himself much less one soul from the billions inhabiting this troubled planet. He is a liar and an antichrist serving the father of lies. Do not hesitate to look a Muslim in the eye today to tell them their religion has no salvation to offer.