Muslims worldwide like to sugarcoat the things Mohammad did and said, but inside the candy of their veneration is the diabolical poison of wickedness such as no other man has promoted in the history of mankind. Jesus gave mankind the tools for peace but Mohammad gives them the tools for war.

      In this box below is a comparison chart between Jesus and Mohammad. We could make it a mile long, but the comparisons you will find there ought to be sufficient to show the difference between the righteously divine Son of God and wicked son of the Devil:




Jesus is God (St. John 1:1, Colossians 1) He said "I and the Father are one".             Muhammad admitted he is only a man (Surah 18:110)
Jesus rose from the dead (Matthew 28:6) leaving an empty tomb and ascended into heaven in front of many witnesses.             Muhammad remains dead in his tomb.
The Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus was foretold by Prophets. In Proverbs 30:4: We read, "...What is His name, and what is His son's name, if you can tell?"             Muslims sometimes point to the promise of the Lord sending the holy Spirit as though he meant Mohammad, but Mohammad never was holy nor is he the third person of the godhead.
Jesus lived a sinless life (2 Corinthians 5:21).             Allah himself refers to Muhammad as sinful (Surah 40:55, 48:1-2):
Jesus did numerous miracles to prove His divinity, including raising the dead and command over nature (All Gospel writers and Josephus). While teaching his apostles Jesus said; "Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves" (John 14:11 and Matthew 9:2-7)             On two occasions in the Qur'an Muhammad admitted he could do no miracles to show any sort of divinity or divine calling (Surah 17:90-95; 3:183, also see: 29:50-51)
Jesus cared for His enemies (Matthew 5:43-44) and he promised to save those who believe and trust in Him.             Mohammad killed his enemies and anyone who disagreed with him (Surah 9:5) :
Jesus held a high view of marriage and hated divorce - as God the Father does (Matthew 19:7-8).             Muhammad commanded his adopted son to divorce his wife so that she would become his (Surah 33:36-38):
Jesus accurately prophesied the tearing down of the holy temple where one stone would not be left upon another which was fulfilled in AD 72 when Co-Emperor Titus conquered Jerusalem and his soldiers set the temple of God on fire to pillage the gold. (St. Luke 19:44/21:6)             Muslims refer to Mohammad as a prophet but he is not known to have ever predicted anything that was fulfilled.
Jesus gave his disciples authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness (Matthew 10:1; Mark 6:12-13)             Muhammad gave his followers the authority to wage ruthless war on unbelievers. (Surah 48:29):
Jesus said to his followers that if anyone will not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. (Matthew 10:14-15, 23)             Muhammad ordered Muslims to attack any city that rejected Islam:
Jesus washed his disciples' feet. He rises from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself. After that he pours water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded. (John 13:4-5, 12-17)             One day after battle, Muhammad came back home and said to his daughter Fatima, "Wash the blood from this sword and I swear in the name of Allah this sword was obeying me all the time." Muhammad then took the swords of his friend Ali ibn Abu Talib and washed them for him.:
Jesus never took up a sword or encouraged anyone else to do so. Once a close follower took it upon himself to take up a sword. Jesus soundly reprimanded him. Jesus warned; "all who take the sword will perish by the sword" (Matthew 26:52)             According to Muslim scholar Pickthal, "the number of campaigns (military) he (Muhammad) led in person during the last ten years of his life is twenty-seven, in nine of which there was hard fighting. The number of expeditions which he planned and sent out under other leaders is thirty-eight" (n.d., pg. xxvi) :
Jesus said: "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love them which love you, what reward have you? do not even the publicans the same? (Matthew 5:44-46)             Surah 9:29: "Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture (Christians & Jews) as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah has forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.":
Jesus's last message to his followers about himself and his mission: Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. Luke 24:46-47             Muhammad's last speech to his followers on Mt Arafat: ....."I descended by Allah with the sword in my hand, and my wealth will come from the shadow of my sword. And the one who will disagree with me will be humiliated and persecuted."
Reference: Ibn Hisham (828 A.D., "The Life of Muhammad", 3rd ed., pt. 6, vol. 3 (Beirut, :
Jesus disciples were killed for their faith.             Mohammad's disciples killed for the faith.
Jesus gave his blood for us.             Mohammad shed the blood of many for himself.
The Bible is a missionary manual.             The Koran is a terrorist manual.
Jesus who is God the Son, is central to our faith.             Mohammad who is a sinful man, is central to Muslim faith.

      Mohammad was born in the year 569 A.D. nearly five centuries after the destruction of the holy temple in Jerusalem and he must have thought faith in the Bible was on the way out; so it was convenient for him to plagarize what in found in the holy Book for his own diabolical religion we know today as Islam.

      The story of Mohammad's birth and rise to power takes place in the Arabian penisula you see pictured below. A ruthless desert land 1400 miles at its greatest length and 1250 miles at its greatest width. A hot oven of land where sand dust in the air necessitates long robes and head coverings. The sky is almost always clear. The heat is so dry it absorbs moisture from the flesh and ages the skin early in life.

      The Arabian penisula is really the size of a small continent protected by fierce heat from invasion. Foreigners riding horses would find themselves facing Arabs on camels that are able to travel much further in the deserts in an undesireable and generally uncultivated land.

      The inhabitants had orchards of dates, peaches, apricots, pomegranates, lemons, oranges, bananas, and figs. Aromatic plants like frankincense, thyme, jasmine, and lavender were also grown in the barren land.

      The camel and the barrenness of the Arabian penisula encouraged trade. Arabians in camel caravans were known to travel to Egypt with their products as early as 2743 B.C. In Mohammad's rise to power, he formed bands of robbers to rob and kill Arabian caravans belonging to other tribes. He was a murderer and a thief.

      Much of the population of Arabia was Bedouin. Nomad herdsmen who moved with their flocks from one pasture to another according to seasons and winter rains. They were the breeders of the fine Arabian horses so well known in the world today.

      But their transportation was by camel. On camel back they could cover only a limited distance daily over the rugged desert , but their camels could go without water five days in summer and up to twenty five days in winter. Camels also provided milk along the way without ice or refrigeration. We certainly have to admire the LORD our God for the greatness of wisdom in his creation.

      Camel dung was good fuel for camp fires at night in a land barren of wood, and the meat of a dead camel provided tender meat. Its hide and hair were good for clothing and tents.

      The Arabian camel, the dromedary pictured above, was dangerous in war. They could burst into forty mile an hour charges on good ground. And they were favored in peace time for transportation across the boiling desert.

      It was into this strange land Mohammad was born. A land where the sons of Ishmael continued their warlike behaviour robbing and killing their own kind. It was to an Arab Ishmaelite caravan that Joseph was sold by his brethren into slavery and was carried into Egypt. (Genesis 37:28)

      It was Hagar and her son by Abraham who were sent away into the desert by Abraham, beginning "THE PERPETUAL HATRED" (Ezekiel 35:5) of Arabs toward the Israelites to this day. Ishmael was thirteen when exiled from his father Abraham from whom he learned to be a warrier and a prince. He could not help but envy Isaac who took his place in Abraham's heart.


      It is important to know Ishmael never saw his father Abraham again until the funeral where he joined Isaac in burying him. "AND HIS SONS, ISAAC AND ISHMAEL BURIED HIM IN THE CAVE OF MACHPELAH; ..." (Genesis 25:9) We know from the extensiveness of the Bible record historically, that had there been any further activity between Abraham and Ishamel; it would have been recorded in our sacred Scriptures.

      Muslims make many claims regarding Abraham, saying he was neither Christian nor Jew but was Muslim; and that Ishamel accompanied Abraham to Mecca and the Kaba, the centerpiece of the Islamic pilgrimage annually. This is just one of many corruptions of the holy Word of God they say they believe in, but mock when comparing the Bible with the Koran.

      Mohammad was one of many Arab descendents of Ishmael approximately 2,500 years later in 569 A.D. in the desert town of Mecca. His father Abdallah died shortly after conceiving him and was not there for the birth. His mother Amina died six years later. His grandfather and uncle Abu Talib raised him.

      He married a rich widow by the name of Khadija fifteen years his senior from whom he learned the business of a merchant. She was his only wife until she died twenty six years later. A daughter, Katima, survived their marriage and for the lack of a son, he adopted Ali, the orphan son of his uncle Abu Talib.

      Khadija's cousin, Waraqah ibn Nawfal was an Arab Christian "who knew the Scriptures of the Hebrews and the Christians." It was from him Mohammad heard the Word of God he so profoundly perverted in the forming of Islam.

      Mohammad apparently felt the need for a religion that would unite the hostile Arab tribes as the Jewish tribes were united in one God. It also had to be a religion that would put Arabs in command of the Jews as they had been over the Arabs historically.

      Just as God Almighty searches the earth for someone who will serve him with their whole heart, soul, mind and strength; so the Devil searches for someone to do his will as perfectly as possible.

      Mohammad was his man. We know from the holy Scriptures, the Devil is able to give man a vision. He carried Jesus to a mountain top and showed him all the glory of the kingdoms of this world. Likewise Mohammad reported seeing a vision of an angel telling him he was the messenger of Allah.

      He already knew what he wanted to do. Now he set about to do it with great zeal. From the evidence we have historically of Mohammad falling to the ground occasionally in convulsions in which he claimed to receive revelations from an angel, we believe he was demon possessed.

      He was around forty.

      He let it be known he was a prophet commissioned to lead the Arabs into a monotheistic faith to worship one God. His first converts were those immediate to him. His wife, his adopted son who had married his daughter Fatima, the slave Zaid he had bought and freed, his kinsman Abu Bekr who was in high standing among the Quraish tribe and five other Meccan leaders.

      The Quraish tribe opposed the removal of idols from the Kaaba because they made profits from the traffic of those who came to worship them. Among the idols set up in the Kaaba was one called Allah.

      The Quraish tribe opposed the Hashimite tribe to which Mohammad belonged in this matter of a new religion. It was now 615 A.D. and Mohammad was forty six.

      Mohammad's wife Khadija and Abu Talib, his protector died in 619 A.D. Mohammad tried to move his little group of converts to Taif sixty miles to the East, but they rejected him. They did not want to offend the merchants of Mecca.

      A mob gathered and pelted him with stones wounding him. Mohammad returned to Mecca where he married Aisha, the seventeen year old daughter of Abu Bekr, his kinsman and fervent follower.

      He soon claimed to have ascended into heaven from Jerusalem in his sleep with no witnesses. Thus was born the myth that he too like Jesus for whom there were five hundred witnesses, had ascended into heaven.

      Then the break came that he was looking for. Merchants who had come from Medina on a pilgrimage to the idols of their gods housed in the Kaaba heard Mohammad speak to them of monotheism, a divine messenger and the last judgment.

      The Arabs of Medina had heard of these three subjects from the Jews living there; and in 622 seventy-three citizens of Medina came to invite Mohammad to live there.

      At about the same time, Abu Sufyan became the head of the Quraish tribe in Mecca who continued their hatred of the Hashimite tribe of Mohammad. There was a plot to kill Mohammad but he escaped. Two hundred Meccan converts joined him in Medina.

      Medina or Medinat al-Nabi "city of the prophet" became Mohammad's stronghold. He was the war lord of Medina ruling it as a theocracy. To sin against his dictates was a crime and every crime was a sin.

      The Jewish people living in Medina clung to their faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and continued to do business with the enemy merchants in Mecca. They accepted Mohammad's rule of Medina not having much choice. As Mohammad grew in power he no longer needed to make peace with the Jews. Shortly thereafter there was an offense between a Jew and a Muslim girl, and Mohammad confiscated all of their property and drove the 700 Jews out of Medina into the desert where many of them died.

      Meanwhile, by the year 623 food was scarce in Medina due to migration of so many followers from Mecca, so Mohammad began robbing and killing Arab caravans passing through the deserts. The false prophet enriched himself wickedly in these raids, returning with rich booty and hostages to ransom.

      All opposition to his rule faced certain death. A female poet by the name of Asma, who attacked him in her rhymes had a sword plunged through her breast which affixed her to the couch where she lay.

      The next morning Mohammad asked the murderer if he had done the job he was sent to do. "Yes," answered Omeir, "is there cause for apprehension?"

      "None," said Mohammad, "a couple of goats will hardly knock their heads together for it."

      Other poets followed her to their graves in like manner.

      In 625 Abu Sufyan led an army of 3000 against Mohammad and wounded him seriously in battle so the Meccans thought him dead. Six months later Mohammad was sufficiently recovered to gather his men and drive the Banu-Nadhir Jews from the vicinity of Medina.

      In 626 Abu Sufyan besieged Medina with 10,000 fighters for twenty days but found the desert too much of an opponent and returned to Mecca. Had they been able to enter Medina, Mohammad's Islam would not exist today.

      Mohammad immediately led 3000 men against the Banu Kuraiza Jews. Upon surrending they were given a choice of Islam or death. They chose death and 600 Jewish men were murdered and their women and children were sold into slavery.

      You will hear over and over from Muslims and the Koran that other religions were permitted to continue practicing their faith as long as they paid tribute to their conquerors, but life was cheap to Mohammad. He was a bloodthirsty man. In the Koran he says one thing, in life he did whatever was convenient to the lusts of his flesh and the hatred of his heart particularly toward the Jews.

      In his Medina years he planned sixty five caravan raids and led twenty seven of them. He was an Al Capone on camel back and by the sword many were machine gunned to death.

      The Quraish tribe in Mecca were open to negotiations now that two attacks on Medina had failed and so many of their caravans had been captured. There was hardly a family in Mecca that had not lost one or more of their family to the murderer Mohammad.

      He sent word there would be ten years of peace if he and his converts were allowed to worship in Mecca. They were so desperate for peace they agreed if they could have but a year without violence and robbery.

      Mohammad's horde was shocked when he accepted the agreement, but an attack on the Khaibar Jews six days northeast of Medina satisfied their thirst for blood and plunder. Ninety three Jews died. The rest surrendered and Mohammad took ownership of their property and allowed them to stay as long as they sent 50% of their harvests to him in Medina.

      The year passed and Mohammad entered Mecca with his converts where several influential Meccans were converted by their good behaviour and zeal for one God. Mohammad and his followers made seven circuits around the Kaaba where he reverently touched the black stone, shouting "There is no god but Allah alone!"

      Several other tribes in the desert offered Mohammad to serve his god in return for his protection. Now the false prophet was strong enough to defeat the Meccans.

      Mohammad honoured the peace for two more years, then on a pretense voided it; gathered 10,000 men and marched to Mecca unopposed where he destroyed the idols from the Kaaba, sanctioned the kissing of the black stone, proclaimed Mecca the capital of Islam and decreed no non Muslim should ever be allowed to set foot on the soil there.

      Mohammad's word was no good but the Arab tribes were not concerned with his unethical and ungodly behaviour. The agreement had eight years to go, but everyone knew they were dead if they opposed Mohammad.

      The fear of him spread throughout the desert penisula and all Arabia submitted to the new religion and its warlord.

      It was not faith in Islam that held Arabia together. It was fear of Mohammad.

      All along he had promoted himself as a prophet but claimed at the same time no powers to predict the future or work miracles. Yet many supernatural claims surround his myths.

      The wickedness of the man does not end with his activities in conquering the Arabian penisula. The Koran is filled with his wickedness. In it we find every license to sin. Drunkeness, adultery, prostitution, murder, the breaking of one's word, wife beatings, dishonorable honour killings, forced conversions, polygamy, rape, female genital mutilation, and the selling of their children in the name of marriage.

      Let there be no doubt in your mind. Jesus came to bring peace not as the world gives, but Mohammad came to bring war. Islam is the religion of the devil. Mohammad is his messenger.